
When most people say “menopause,” they mean more than just the end of female reproductive functions and more, even, than just the accompanying hormonal changes. They mean the cornucopia of symptoms — hot flashes, vaginal dryness, psychological problems like “irritability” — thought to accompany those changes. Type “menopause and” into Google and it will autocomplete…


Ever since I met Don Elijio Panti in 1982 the subject of cultural appropriation has arisen from time to time. There is a knee jerk reaction to a white person studying with a Native American traditional healer, in my case, with a Maya healer. It comes up in Belize and the USA but interestingly never…


Years ago, in 1986, in the early years of my apprenticeship with Don Elijio Panti, I was overwhelmed with the sense of responsibility I felt for Maya Medicine and Don Elijio’s legacy. I felt guided to make a pilgrimage to Palenque in Mexico to seek an answer to this question: “How can I best serve…